Table of changes to convert DEFNODE control file to TDEFNODE. TDEFNODE has many more options, see manual FC-format change, must be changed MO-more options available RM-option removed If no NOTE for option, it should work as is. DEFNODE NOTE Function BL: outline of elastic rotating plate BP: specify pole and strain tensor for a block (overrides BL: statement) CF: connect 2 faults (remove overlap or gap from subsurface intersection of faults) CL: MO clear specified data type CO: continue reading from input file (used sith SK: option) DD: depth and dip to nodes (used only within FA:, fault input section) EM: end of model input section EN: end of input data EQ: MO equate two nodes on different faults (set their phi's equal) FA: MO fault geometry input FF: fault flags (turn faults on and off) FL: MO set flags FO: RM change fault orientation and offset FS: calculate relative block velocities at specified points FT: FC fault parameterization type FX: specify position of a particular fault node - overrides all other specifications GD: FC, MO specify Green's functions directory and interpolation step sizes GI: lists GPS velocity field rotations (relative to reference frame) to be adjusted GP: FC, MO GPS input data file GR: FC, MO grid of vectors to calculate GS: FC, MO grid search controls HC: MO hard constraints IN: MO interpolation lengths for fault segments between nodes (for forward run) MF: merge faults at T-junction MM: RM (use SM:) range of moment allowed MO: model experiment name, used for output filenames MV: move points NN: MO node parameter index numbers (same as old NF:) NV: node values (same as old NO:) NX: fixed node indices PE: scaling factors for penalty functions PF: parameter I/O file for quick restart PG: initialize pole of rotation for GPS vector file PI: lists block poles to be adjusted in inversion PM: parameter min and max values PN: node z-profile parameter index numbers PO: block pole of rotation values PR: FC, MO surface profile line PV: node z-profile parameter values PX: RM (use FT:) fix node z-profile parameters RE: reference block for vectors RM: remove named GPS sites or blocks from data RO: rotation rates data file RS: MO reference site for GPS vectors SA: FC, MO simulated annealing controls SI: MO strain rates tensors to be adjusted SK: skip following lines of input data until a CO: line is encountered SM: FC, MO apply along-strike smoothing to fault coupling SR: FC, MO fault slip rate / spreading rate data file SS: strain rate tensor data file ST: initialize strain rate tensor values SV: MO slip vector / transform azimuth data file TI: tilt rate data file UP: RM (use GP:) uplift rate data file ZD: similar to DD: