My process is the following (note this may only work from scratch because of the gfortran/gcc compatibility issues if a user already has other versions installed, e.g. from HPC, Homebrew, Macports, Fink, etc.):
Install prerequisite compilers
Install tdefnode
mkdir tdefnode_20221103
cd tdefnode_20221103
tar xfzv ~/Applications/src/TDEFNODE.source.20221103.tar.gz
sed 's/^CC = gcc/CC = clang/' Makefile > Makefile.user
make -f Makefile.user
Note that you may experience clashing libraries if you have multiple versions of gfortran and/or gcc installed on your system. I recommend using macOS's native "clang" for C code and the standalone gfortran package from the gfortran maintainers via the GCC Wiki, which can easily be removed if no longer required. You may like or need to remove one or more versions of gfortran and/or gcc, and keep the standalone GCC Wiki version, e.g. see notes at Compatibility and uninstalling .
Mike Floyd