TDEFNODE4D User's Manual
I/O descriptions


Input files are described in the manual.


All output files are put in model directory.

Not all of these listings have been checked intensely for for accuracy, some could be different than shown. Let me know if something looks awry. Not all files are described here

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The rake angle follows Aki&Richards p. 106:
   rake =  90         thrust
   rake = -90 or 270  normal
   rake =   0 or 360  sinstral, left-lateral
   rake = 180 or -180 dextral, right-lateral
MODL = 4-character experiment name
NNNN = 4-character GPS data code
IIII = 4-character InSAR data code
LLLL = 4-character Leveling data code
SSSS = 4-character site name
FFF  = 3-digit fault number
EEE  = 3-digit transient source number
PPP  = 3-digit profile number
JJJ  = 3-digit index 

(Options or flags listed in parentheses)

General block model files

MODL.cov              - covariance matrix ('+wcv')
MODL.der              - derivatives matrix ('+wdr')
MODL.dgt              - residual strain rates and rotations for blocks (+dgt)
MODL.hcs              - result of hard constraints (HC:)
MODL.nod              - summary of node information 
MODL.dsum             - observed and calculated displacements (DS:)
MODL.vsum             - observed and calculated velocity vectors (GP:)
MODL.poles            - summary of poles (relative poles for all block pairs)
MODL.strain           - summary of strain rate tensors
MODL.prm              - input parameters           - input parameters
MODL_prm.out          - output parameters
MODL.srs              - summary of fits to slip rate data (SR:)
MODL.sss              - summary of fits to strain rate data (SS:)
MODL.sum              - summary of fits to data, poles, blocks
MODL.svs              - summary of fits to slip vectors/fault azimuths (SV:)
MODL.tlt              - summary of fits to tilt rate data (TI:)
MODL_flt_atr.gmt      - interseismic fault locking distributions for all faults
MODL_flt_FFF_atr.gmt  - interseismic fault locking distribution for single fault number FFF (+atr)
MODL_blocks.out       - block information output (see below)
MODL_grid_N.vec       - predicted vectors for grid points in psvelo format, N is grid number (GR:)      - predicted vectors for grid points, N is grid number (GR:)
MODL_grid_N_strain_atr.gmt       - grid of strain rates, N is grid number (GR:)
MODL_fslip.out        - relative velocities at requested points (FS:)
MODL_info.out         - information on each subsegment of faults (+inf)
MODL_model.input      - poles, block boundaries and faults in control file format
MODL_control.backup   - copy of control file
MODL_mid.vec          - relative block vectors on faults at midpoints between surface nodes
MODL_pPPP.out          - output for profile number PPP (PR:)
MODL_removed.vec      - vectors removed from inversion (RM:, etc)
MODL_sa.out           - summary of simulated annealing run with final solution (+sim)
MODL_IIII.insar       - InSAR output (IS:)
MODL_LLLL.level       - Leveling output (LV:)

Files relating to time series (TS:)

MODL.tsum              - observed and calculated velocities of time series  
MODL/ts/SSSS_NNNN.out  - time series output (observed and calculated)  
MODL/ts/SSSS_NNNN.syn  - time series output (synthetics)  
MODL_ts.stat           - time series statistics  
MODL_ts_data.out       - time series coefficients  

Files relating to transients (ES:)

MODL.sources          - description of all sources
MODL_src_EEE.atr      - transient slip distributions  
MODL_src_EEE.plt      - source parameters
MODL_src_EEE.stf      - time history
MODL_src_EEE.poly     - source polygon
MODL_src_EEE.pxy      - source centroid (longitude, latitude)
MODL_src_EEE.disp     - predicted source displacement vectors
MODL_src_EEE.nod      - information at nodes

Files relating to time windows (DW:)

MODL_time_JJJ.nod     - time window displacements at nodes
MODL_time_JJJ.atr     - time window displacement distribution on fault
MODL_time_JJJ.disp    - time window displacements at sites

Files ending with .gmt are plot files for GMT and are described in the PLOTTING section.

Plot with psxy:
MODL_blk.gmt      - all block outlines
MODL_blk0.gmt     - all fault segments
MODL_blk1.gmt     - all pseudo-faults
MODL_blk2.gmt     - block boundaries separating blocks with same poles
MODL_blk3.gmt     - block boundaries separating blocks with different poles
MODL_blk4.gmt     - block boundaries that are locked faults
MODL_blk5.gmt     - block boundaries that are locked faults being adjusted
MODL_obs.gmt      - tilt lines and strain network polygons 

MODL.dsum ---- summary of displacements

These displacements include all sources plus the secular motions between the times Year1 and Year2.

Site name 
Data code 
E N U flags (1=used, 0=not)
Year 1 (decimal year)
Year 2 (decimal year)
E observed (mm)
E calculated
E residual
E 1-sigma uncertainty
E res/sigma
N observed
N calculated
N residual
N 1-sigma uncertainty
N res/sigma
U observed
U calculated
U residual
U 1-sigma uncertainty
U res/sigma
E calculated site secular displacement
N calculated site secular displacement
U calculated site secular displacement
E calculated site secular velocity
N calculated site secular velocity
U calculated site secular velocity
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MODL.vsum ---- summary of velocities
 1 Site name 
 2 Data code 
 3 Block code     
 4 Pole code     
 5 E flag (1=used, 0=not)
 6 N flag (1=used, 0=not)
 7 U flag (1=used, 0=not)
 8 Longitude
 9 latitude
10 Year 1
11 Year 2
12 E observed
13 E calculated
14 E residual
15 E 1-sigma uncertainty
16 E res/sigma
17 N observed
18 N calculated
19 N residual
20 N 1-sigma uncertainty
21 N res/sigma
22 U observed
23 U calculated
24 U residual
25 U 1-sigma uncertainty
26 U res/sigma
27 rho observed (NE)
28 E calculated elastic velocity
29 N calculated elastic velocity
30 U calculated elastic velocity
31 E calculated elastic velocity 1-sigma uncertainty (not yet calculated)
32 N calculated elastic velocity 1-sigma uncertainty (not yet calculated)
33 U calculated elastic velocity 1-sigma uncertainty (not yet calculated)
34 E calculated strain rate velocity
35 N calculated strain rate velocity
36 E calculated strain rate velocity 1-sigma uncertainty (not yet calculated)
37 N calculated strain rate velocity 1-sigma uncertainty (not yet calculated)
38 E calculated rotation velocity
39 N calculated rotation velocity
40 E calculated rotation velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
41 N calculated rotation velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
42 NE calculated rotation correlation
43 E calculated network velocity
44 N calculated network velocity
45 E calculated network velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
46 N calculated network velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
47 NE calculated network correlation 
48 E component of MR velocity
49 N component of MR velocity
50 U component of MR velocity
51 Sum of squares of weighted residuals (E,N,U)
52 Site elevation
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MODL.tsum ---- summary of time series velocities
 1 Site name 
 2 Data code 
 3 Block code     
 4 Pole code     
 5 E slope flag (see TS:)
 6 N slope flag (see TS:)
 7 U slope flag (see TS:)
 8 Longitude
 9 latitude
10 Year 1
11 Year 2
12 E block velocity in time series reference frame
13 N block velocity in time series reference frame
14 U block velocity in time series reference frame
15 E block velocity in new reference frame, or slope of time series
16 N block velocity in new reference frame, or slope of time series
17 U block velocity in new reference frame, or slope of time series
18 E residual velocity 
19 N residual velocity 
20 U residual velocity 
21 E 1-sigma uncertainty
22 N 1-sigma uncertainty
23 U 1-sigma uncertainty
24 E calculated elastic velocity
25 N calculated elastic velocity
26 U calculated elastic velocity
27 E calculated elastic velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
28 N calculated elastic velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
29 U calculated elastic velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
30 E calculated strain velocity
31 N calculated strain velocity
32 E calculated strain velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
33 N calculated strain velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
34 E calculated rotation velocity
35 N calculated rotation velocity
36 E calculated rotation velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
37 N calculated rotation velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
38 NE calculated rotation correlation
39 E calculated network velocity
40 N calculated network velocity
41 E calculated network velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
42 N calculated network velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
43 NE calculated network correlation 
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MODL/ts/SSSS_NNNN.out ---- time series observed and calculated
 MODL = model name
 SSSS = 4-char sitename
 NNNN = 4-char network name

Header line starts with 'H'
Entries are 
  Longitude  latutude       Ve       Vn      Esig    Nsig    Rho    Site     Data Blok Pole     Vz     Zsig    Start    End     E_off   N_off   Z_off
H  124.0351   -5.9047    -16.76    -60.21   15.60   15.60   0.0000  491A     sGPS BSea P008    0.00   15.60  2006.72  2008.94   11.03   21.60  -21.75

Data lines  ---- the first set of positions in brackets [ ] are corrected for the offset and slope; second set in curly brackets { } are not
  Year     [ E_obs   E_calc    E_sig    E_res    N_obs   N_calc    N_sig    N_res    Z_obs   Z_calc    Z_sig    Z_res ] { E_obs   N_obs    Z_obs   E_calc   N_calc  Z_calc }Site     Data
2006.7151   -11.03     1.07     9.75   -12.10   -21.60     2.23     4.20   -23.83    21.75     0.16    20.52    21.59     0.00     0.00     0.00    12.10    23.83   -21.59 491A     sGPS

1  Time 
2  E obs detrended
3  E calc detrended
4  E sigma
5  E res
6  N obs detrended
7  N calc detrended
8  N sigma
9  N res
10 U obs detrended
11 U calc detrended
12 U sigma
13 U res
14 E obs (not detrended)
15 N obs (not detrended)
16 U obs (not detrended)
17 E calc (not detrended)
18 N calc (not detrended)
19 U calc (not detrended)
20 E seasonal
21 N seasonal
22 U seasonal
23 Site code
24 Network code

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MODL/ts/SSSS_NNNN.syn ---- time series synthetics
 MODL = 4-char model name
 SSSS = 4-char sitename
 NNNN = 4-char network name

Year  E1 N1 U1   E2 N2 U2   E3 N3 U3  Site  SSSS

E1 N1 U1 - ENU detrended (steady velocity removed)
E2 N2 U2 - ENU not detrended  (steady velocity included)
E3 N3 U3 - ENU seasonal correction

MODL/ts/SSSS_NNNN.syn  ---- synthetic time series output 
  Year       E_det    N_det    U_det   E_calc   N_calc   U_calc   E_seas   N_seas   U_seas Site     Data
2005.0096    -0.16    -0.02     1.85    -4.36   -11.17    -3.44    -0.06    -0.24     1.36 EDAM     CGPS

1  Time 
2  E detrended
3  N detrended
4  U detrended
5  E not detrended
6  N not detrended
7  U not detrended
8  E seasonal
9  N seasonal
10 U seasonal
11 Site code
12 Network code

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InSAR output files
 IIII = 4-char code for InSAR file

Header line 
1. #
2. Shortname   
3. Runtime   
4. File#   
5. Year1    
6. Year2   
7. Offset_constant (mm)
8. E_gradient (mm per degree)
9. N_gradient (mm per degree)
10. Vertical gradient (mm per km)
11. Offset_origin_Lon   
12. Offset_origin_Lat  
13. Lon_min 
14. Lon_max 
15. Lat_min 
16. Lat_max
17. Max sigma used
18. Heading
19. Incidence angle

output lines

 1. Longitude
 2. Latitude
 3. Elevation (km)
 4. Observed LOS change (mm)
 5. LOS 1-sigma uncertainty (mm)
 6. Calculated LOS change (mm) (includes offset correction)
 7. Residual LOS change (mm)
 8. Calculated LOS change due to ground deformation (mm) (uncorrected)
 9. East component of ground deformation (mm)
10. North component of ground deformation (mm)
11. Up component of ground deformation (mm)
12. East component of look vector
13. North component of look vector
14. Up component of look vector
15. Site name
16. Block name
17. East component of rotation
18. North component of rotation
19. East component of block strain
20. North component of block strain
21. East component of elastic strain
22. North component of elastic strain
23. Up component of elastic strain
24. Offset Correction to LOS
25. East gradient correction to LOS
26. North gradient correction to LOS
27. Vertical gradient correction to LOS
28. Total correction to LOS

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Leveling output files
 LLLL = 4-char code for leveling file

Header line 
1. #
2. Shortname   
3. Runtime   
4. File#   
5. Year1    
6. Year2   
7. Offset_constant (mm)
8. E_gradient (mm per degree)
9. N_gradient (mm per degree)
10. Vertical gradient (mm per km)
11. Offset_origin_Lon   
12. Offset_origin_Lat  
13. Lon_min 
14. Lon_max 
15. Lat_min 
16. Lat_max
17. Max sigma used

output lines

 1. Longitude
 2. Latitude
 3. Elevation (km)
 4. Observed vertical change (mm)
 5. 1-sigma uncertainty (mm)
 6. Calculated UP change (mm) (includes offset correction)
 7. Residual UP change (mm)
 8. Calculated UP change due to ground deformation (mm) (uncorrected)
 9. East component of ground deformation (mm)
10. North component of ground deformation (mm)
11. Up component of ground deformation (mm)
15. Site name
16. Block name
17. East component of rotation
18. North component of rotation
19. East component of block strain
20. North component of block strain
21. East component of elastic strain
22. North component of elastic strain
23. Up component of elastic strain
24. Offset Correction to LOS
25. East gradient correction to LOS
26. North gradient correction to LOS
27. Vertical gradient correction to LOS
28. Total correction to LOS

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MODL_fslip.out - relative velocities between blocks at requested points (from FS: option). In psvelo -Se format. The site_name field has the block pairs and this is followed by the total velocity and its 1-sigma uncertainty.


1. Longitude 
2. Latitude 
3. East_velocity
4. North_velocity 
5. East_1-sigma uncertainty 
6. North_1-sigma uncertainty 
7. NE_correlation 
8. Block pairs (9-characters)
9. Total velocity
10. Total velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
11. Azimuth of velocity vector
12. Azimuth 1-sigma
13. Azimuth of fault (optional, input)
14. Velocity parallel to optional Azimuth
15. Velocity normal to optional Azimuth
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MODL_mid.vec - fault information at mid-points between each pair of nodes along faults

1. Longitude 
2. Latitude 
3. East_velocity
4. North_velocity 
5. East_1-sigma uncertainty 
6. North_1-sigma uncertainty 
7. NE_correlation 
8. Fault name
9. Hangingwall block
10. Footwall block
11. Fault number
12. Total velocity
13. Total velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
14. Velocity azimuth
15. Velocity azimuth 1-sigma uncertainty
16. Phi value
17. Phi value 1-sigma uncertainty
18. Velocity parallel to fault (positive is right-lateral)
19. Velocity parallel to fault 1-sigma uncertainty
20. Velocity normal to fault (positive is divergence)
21. Velocity normal to fault 1-sigma uncertainty
22. Fault strike
23. Fault dip
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MODL_blocks.out - summary of block information

1. Block name (4-char)
2. Block centroid longitude
3. Block centroid latitude
4. Block pole longitude
5. Block pole latitude
6. Block pole rotation rate (deg/Ma)
7. Block pole rotation rate 1-sigma uncertainty (deg/Ma)
8. Azimuth of pole error ellipse semi-major axis
9. Pole semi-major axis length (degrees)
10. Pole semi-minor axis length (degrees)
11. Block east velocity at centroid (mm/a)
12. Block north velocity at centroid (mm/a)
13. Block east velocity 1-sigma uncertainty at centroid (mm/a)
14. Block north velocity 1-sigma uncertainty at centroid (mm/a)
15. Block velocity NE correlation coefficent at centroid
16. Distance of pole to block centroid (degrees)
17. Vertical axis rotation rate at centroid (deg/Ma)
18. Area of block (10^6 km^2)
19. Principle axis of strain rate in block (nanostrain/a; most contractional)
20. 1-sigma uncertainty of principle axis of strain rate in block (nanostrain/a)
21. Principle axis of strain rate in block (nanostrain/a; least contractional)
22. 1-sigma uncertainty of principle axis of strain rate in block (nanostrain/a)
23. Azimuth of most contractional principle axis of strain rate in block
24. 1-sigma uncertainty of azimuth of most contractional principle axis of strain rate in block
25. Principle axis of residual strain rate in block (nanostrain/a; most contractional)
26. 1-sigma uncertainty of principle axis of residual strain rate in block (nanostrain/a)
27. Principle axis of residual strain rate in block (nanostrain/a; least contractional)
28. 1-sigma uncertainty of principle axis of residual strain rate in block (nanostrain/a)
29. Azimuth of most contractional principle axis of residual strain rate in block
30. 1-sigma uncertainty of azimuth of most contractional principle axis of residual strain rate in block
31. Rotation rate of GPS residuals in block (nanoradians/a)
32. 1-sigma uncertainty of rotation rate of GPS residuals in block (nanoradians/a)
33. Number of GPS observations in block
34. Not used
35. Not used
36. Angular distance from block centroid to block pole
37. Normalized RMS of GPS in block
38. Weighted RMS of GPS in block
39. Probability that GPS is satisfied (Q of Press et al., 1989; pp. 502-503)
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MODL_flt_atr.gmt - interseismic slip distributions on all faults

MODL_flt_FFF_atr.gmt - interseismic slip distributions on fault number FFF (if +atr flag set)

Files contain fault attributes and quadrilaterals that can be used to make color plots of locking distributions. Since the header line for each fault segment has multiple attributes following the -Z, use awk to select the one to plot.

To plot the slip rate deficit for fault 1:

awk '{ if ($1 ==">") print $1,$2,$4; else print $1,$2 }' MODL_flt_001_atr.gmt  | psxy -Cpalette.cpt .... 

The entries on the segment header line are (in order):

1-2 ' > -Z '
3 fault_number 
4 slip rate deficit (mm/yr)
5 locking fraction (phi)
6 locking fraction 1-sigma uncertainty
7 strike-slip plate rate  (Okada U1; see Fig. 2)
8 dip-slip plate rate (U2)
9 fault opening plate rate (U3)
10 Rake angle on sub-segment
11 Sub-segment centroid longitude
12 Sub-segment centroid latitude
13 Sub-segment centroid depth (in km, positive downward)
14 Node X-index
15 Node Z-index
16 Sub-segment X-index
17 Sub-segment Z-index
18 Fault sub-segment area (km^2)
19 Fault sub-segment moment (N-m)
20 Fault sub-segment moment sigma (N-m)
21 East component of slip rate on fault
22 North component of slip rate on fault
Followed by the 4 coordinates of trapezoid:
Lon1 Lat1 Depth1  X1  W1
Lon4 Lat4 Depth4  X4  W4

> -Z    1         0.00000         0.00000         0.00000        30.16152       -20.90267       -21.74386  0.0000E+00  234.860   40.541   3.78   1   1   1   5
    234.86091538     40.49830769      3.69230769      0.00000000      0.00000000
    234.84405577     40.58858654      3.69230769     10.14146550      5.50326989
    234.85948846     40.58450192      3.86538462     10.18068770      6.89529515
    234.87646923     40.49388462      3.86538462      0.00000000      0.00000000
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MODL.nod Summary of node information

1. Fault name (10-char)
2. Fault number
3. Node X index
4. Node Z index
5. Hanging wall block name
6. Foot wall block name
7. Node Longitude
8. Node Latitude
9. Node depth
10. Node phi
11. Node phi 1-sigma uncertainty
12. Fault East slip rate (mm/yr)
13. Fault North slip rate (mm/yr)
14. Fault East slip rate  1-sigma uncertainty (mm/yr)
15. Fault North slip rate  1-sigma uncertainty (mm/yr)
16. Fault slip rate NE correlation
17. East component of slip deficit rate (mm/yr)
18. North component of slip deficit rate (mm/yr)
19. Azimuth of slip at node (Hanging wall relative to foot wall)
20. Along strike distance of node (from first node) in km
21. Across strike (horizontal) distance of node from surface node updip from it, in km
22. Downdip distance of node from surface node updip from it, in km
23. Fault strike at node
24. Fault dip at node
25. Moment (rate) associated with this node in N-m
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MODL_pPP.out (NN=profile number) contain calculated and observed values along profile lines.

In columns:

First column is a letter: 
C for calculated values, 
G for observed gps, 
I for InSAR, 
H for leveling data,
T for observed tilt rate, 
U for observed uplift, 
S for observed slip vector azimuth, 
R for observed slip rate, 
N for fault node, 
V for volcano,
Q for earthquake,
B for intersection with block boundary (fault),
L for label

'C' lines (calculated values):
1. C
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. East Velocity 
6. North Velocity 
7. Up Velocity 
8. Horizontal velocity
9. Radial velocity (along profile line)
10. Transverse velocity (perpendicular to profile)
11. Azimuth of vector
12. Tilt rate in nanoradians/year
13. Radial component of rotation
14. Transverse component of rotation
15. Radial component of locking
16. Transverse component of locking
17. Radial component of strain velocity
18. Transverse component of strain velocity

'G' lines (GPS): (changed from DEFNODE)
1. G
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. East flag (0 or 1)
6. North flag (0 or 1)
7. Up flag (0 or 1)
8. Observed E Velocity 
9. E  1-sigma uncertainty
10. Observed N Velocity
11. N  1-sigma uncertainty
12. Observed up velocity  
13. Up  1-sigma uncertainty  
14. Radial velocity (along profile line)
15. radial  1-sigma uncertainty
16. Transverse velocity (perpendicular to profile)
17. Transverse  1-sigma uncertainty
18. Calculated east velocity
19. Calculated north velocity
20. Calculated vertical velocity
21. Ve residual
22. Vn residual
23. Vz residual
24. Horizontal velocity
25. Horizontal velocity  1-sigma uncertainty
26. Velocity azimuth
27. Velocity azimuth  1-sigma uncertainty
28. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)
29. Site name
30. GPS file name
31. Block name

'R' lines (slip rates):
1. R
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. Slip rate observed
6. Slip rate  1-sigma uncertainty
7. Calculated slip rate
8. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)

'T' lines (tilt rates):
1. T
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. Tilt rate observed
6. Tilt rate  1-sigma uncertainty
7. Calculated tilt rate
8. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)

'S' lines (slip vectors):
1. A
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. Azimuth
6. Azimuth  1-sigma uncertainty
7. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)

'V' lines (volcanoes):
1. V
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)

'Q' lines (earthquakes):
1. Q
2. Longitude
3. Latitude
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. Depth (km)
6. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)

'B' lines (intersection of profile with block boundary fault)
1. B
2. Longitude of intersection
3. Latitude of intersection
4. Distance along profile (km)
5. Fault number
6. Flag (1) if locking used (FF:)
7. Flag (1) if 3D slip on fault 
8. Flag (1) if locking was adjusted (FI:)
9. Flag (1) if fault used to make blocks (FB:)
10. Flag (1) if fault read in with FA:
11. Fault name

'N' fault nodes along profile line
1. N
2. Longitude of node
3. Latitude of node
4. Depth of node
5. Distance along profile (km)
6. Perpendicular distance from profile (km)
7. Fault number
8. Node along-strike index
9. Node down-dip index
10. Locking fraction (phi)
11. Locking fraction uncertainty  
12. East locking velocity 
13. North locking velocity 
14. Total locking velocity 

I lines InSAR
lon lat X(along profile) obs sig calc_corrected residual perpendicular_dist  site  file_code block
H lines leveling 
c H lon lat X(along profile) obs sig calc_corrected residual perpendicular_dist  site  file_code block

'L' line (profile label):
The last line contains the label for plotting. Use grep "^L' to extract it.

Line  1 242.5 31.8  46  40

It contains in order the Line number, longitude and latitude of starting point, 
the profile azimuth, and the width of the included data.
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MODL_grid_N.vec file contains vectors at grid points in psvelo format. N is the grid number

1. Longitude of grid point
2. Latitude of grid point
3. East velocity total
4. North velocity total
5. East velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
6. North velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
7. NE correlation
8. Site name (point number)
Back to Menu file contains complete grid information

1. Longitude of grid point
2. Latitude of grid point
3. East velocity total
4. North velocity total
5. East velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
6. North velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
7. E component of block rotation
8. N component of block rotation
9. E component velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
10. N component velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
11. NE correlation of block velocity
12. E component of block strain
13. N component of block strain
14. E component of block strain 1-sigma uncertainty
15. N component of block strain 1-sigma uncertainty
16. E component of fault locking strain
17. N component of fault locking strain
18. E component of fault locking strain 1-sigma uncertainty
19. N component of fault locking strain 1-sigma uncertainty
20. Up component of fault locking strain
21. Up component of fault locking strain 1-sigma uncertainty
22. Block name (4-char)
23. * if point falls on a fault, blank otherwise
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Files contain strain rates and quadrilaterals that can be used to make color plots of strain rate distribution. Since the header line for each grid point has multiple attributes following the -Z, use awk to select the one to plot.

First line for each quadrilateral (E -east, N-north):
1-2 '> -Z'
3-4 lon, lat of grid center
5-6 block number and name
7 is grid area in km^2
8-13 Block strain Exx Eyy Exy SExx SEyy SExy (nanostrain/yr)
14-19 Residual block strain and sigmas
20-25 Block+Res strain and sigmas
26-28 Total strain (not working)
29-31 Permanent strain (not working)
32 Savage and Simpson max block strain (max of |Exx| |Eyy| |Exx + Eyy| )
33 S&S max res strain
34 S&S max block+res strain
35 S&S max total strain
36 S&S max perm strain
37 Max block strain (larger principle axis)
38 Max res strain (larger principle axis)
39 Max block+res strain (larger principle axis)
40 Max total strain (larger principle axis)
41 Max perm strain (larger principle axis)

This line is followed by the (lon lat) of 4 points making up the quadrilateral.

To plot the EE strain rates (for example) on a map:

awk '{ if ($1 ==">") print $1,$2,$5; else print $1,$2 }' MODL_grid_N_strain_atr.gmt | psxy -Cpalette.cpt .... 
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MODL.sum - model statistics by data, block, and pole

Header line:

1. SUM
2. Model name
3. Run date (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
4. Misfit (Reduced chi**2 + Penalty)
5. Degrees of freedom
6. Number of data
7. Number of free model parameters
8. Number of parameters related to time series
9. Total chi**2
10. Data reduced chi**2
11. Penalty

For each data type/file:

1. Data aggregate name (Data type, GPS file code, block code, or pole number)
2. #obs = Number of GPS components
3. Nrms = Normalized rms -> SQRT ( chi**2 / N )
4. Wrms = weighted rms -> SQRT ( chi**2 / SumWt)
5. Prob - unused
6. SumWt = sum of weights  -> SUM ( 1.0/ sigma**2 )
7. SSData = Weighted variance of data -> SUM [ Obs/Sigma)**2 ]
8. SSfit = Chi**2 of residual -> SUM [ (Res/Sigma)**2 ]
9. SSres
10. Chi2/N = Chi**2 per observation
11. Data file name
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MODL.svs - fits to slip vector / transform azimuths


1. Longitude
2. Latitude
3. Azimiuth
4. 1-sigma uncertainty
5. Calculated
6. Residual
7. residual / sigma
8. Fixed block
9. Moving block
10. Input file number
11. Slip vector label
12. Input file name
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MODL.srs - fits to fault slip rates


1. Longitude
2. Latitude
3. Observed slip rate (mean or minimum)
4. Observed slip rate (zero or maximim)
5. 1-sigma uncertainty
6. Calculated
7. Residual
8. Residual divided by sigma
9. M* or S** (M indicates min/max was fit, S indicates mean/sigma was fit)
10. Block 1
11. Block 2
12. Azimuth of slip rate measurement
13. Total rate at that point (not corrected for azimuth)
14. Input file number
15. Data label
16. input file name

* If item #9 is M then #3 is the minimum slip rate, #4 is the maximum slip rate, and #5 is the assigned 1-sigma uncertainty for the inversion (one-quarter the min/max range). The residual is zero if the calculated slip rate #6 falls between the min and max observed. If the calculated is outside the observed range, the residual is how far it falls outside the range.

** If item 9 is S, then #3 is the mean slip rate, #4 is not used, and #5 is the assigned 1-sigma uncertainty in the slip rate.

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MODL.poles - rotation poles. This file lists all the relative rotation poles as lat, lon, omega and as Cartesian vectors with uncertainties.

1. File number
2. No = pole number
3. Name = Block/GPS file name
4. Wx = x component of angular velocity (deg/Myr)
5. Wy = y component of angular velocity (deg/Myr)
6. Wz = z component of angular velocity (deg/Myr)
7. Sx = standard error of Wx
8. Sy = standard error of Wy
9. Sz = standard error of Wz
10. Sxy = covariance of Wx and Wy
11. Sxz = covariance of Wx and Wz
12. Syz = covariance of Wy and Wz


1. File number
2. No = pole number
3. Name = Block/GPS file name
4. Lon. = Longitude of pole 
5. Lat. =  Latitude of pole
6. Omega = rotation rate (deg/Myr)
7. SigOm = standard error of rotation rate (deg/Myr)
8. Emax = maximum axis of lon/lat error ellipse
9. Emin = minimum axis of lon/lat error ellipse
10. Az = azimuth of maximum axis of lon/lat error ellipse
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MODL.strain - strain rate tensors in nanostrain/year

Block strain rate tensors in N-E coordinate system
1. T
2. No = pole number
3. Block = Block name
4. Longitude of origin
5. Latitude of origin
6. Exx = normal strain rate in East direction
7. Eyy = normal strain rate in North direction
8. Exy = shear strain rate
9. Sxx = standard error in Exx
10. Syy = standard error in Eyy
11. Sxy = standard error in Exy
12. Cxx-yy = covariance between Exx and Eyy
13. Cxx-xy = covariance between Exx and Exy  
14. Cyy-xy = covariance between Exy and Eyy            

Block principle strain rates (nanostrain/yr)
1. P
2. No = pole number
3. Block = Block name
4. Longitude of origin
5. Latitude of origin
6. E1 = most compressive strain rate
7. SigE1 = standard error in E1
8. E2 = least compressive strain rate
9. SigE2 = standard error in E2
10. A1 = azimuth of E1
11. SigA1 = standard error in A1

Block residual principle strain rates (ns/yr) and rotations (nanoradians/yr);
1. Block = Block name
2  E1 = most compressive strain rate
3. SigE1 = standard error in E1
4. E2 = least compressive strain rate
5. SigE2 = standard error in E2
6. A1 = azimuth of E1
7. SigA1 = standard error in A1
8. Rot = rotation rate in nanoradians/year
9. SigRot = standard error in Rot
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MODL.hc - results of hard constraints

1. Type
2. Type code: 1 = slip rate; 2 = azimuth; 3 = rotation
3. Longitude
4. Latitude
5. Fixed block
6. Moving block
7. Minimum value
8. Maximum value
9. Calculated value
10. Penalty
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MODL_src_EEE.stf ---- source time histories

Integer counter
Time from start of event (in decimal years)
Time in decimal years
Slip rate history (mm/yr)
Displacement history (mm)
Normalized displacement history
Time from start of event (in days)
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MODL_src_EEE.plt ---- source parameters
Each line starts with a 3-character source type indentifier:

DSE - Types 1-8 (Distributed slip, Wang exponential, 1D Boxcar, 1D Gauss,
2D Gauss, 2D Boxcar, Polygon)
SDR - Types 9, 11 (Uniform slip plane, Planar crack)
MGI - Type 10 (Mogi source)

Distributed slip event (type = 0 to 8).  

Source type identifier (DSE)
Source number  
Fault number  
Transient spatial type  
Not used  
Transient time history type  
Not used 
YYYYMMDD start time 
YYYY.YYY start time 
Duration in days 
P3 - see Parameter list 
P4 - see Parameter list 
P6 - see Parameter list 
Time constant
Migration Rate (km/day)
Migration azimuth 
P13 - slip azimuth
Average slip
Moment (N-m)
Area (km^2)
YYYYMMDD - start date
YYYYMMDD - end date
Number of days (start to end)

Uniform slip plane (type = 9)  

Source type identifier (SDR)
Source number  
Fault number  
Transient spatial type = 9  
Not used  
Transient time history type 
Not used       
YYYYMMDD start time 
YYYY.YYY start time  
Duration in days  
Downdip width  
Along strike width  
Migration Rate (km/day)
Migration azimuth 
Average slip
Moment (N-m)
Area (km^2)
YYYYMMDD - start date
YYYYMMDD - end date
Number of days (start to end)

Mogi source (type = 10)

Source type identifier (MGI)
Source number  
Fault number - not needed 
Transient spatial type = 10 
Not used  
Transient time history type  
Not used
YYYYMMDD start time 
YYYY.YYY decimal year start time 
Duration in days  
Migration Rate (km/day)
Migration azimuth 
Source amplitude
YYYYMMDD - start date
YYYYMMDD - end date
Number of days start to end

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MODL_src_EEE.atr - transient slip distributions on fault

Files contain fault attributes and quadrilaterals that can be used to make color plots of slip distributions. Since the header line for each fault segment has multiple attributes following the -Z, use awk to select the one to plot.

awk '{ if ($1 ==">") print $1,$2,$4; else print $1,$2 }' MODL_src_001.atr  | psxy -Cpalette.cpt .... 

where $1 = '>', $2 = '-Z' and the attributes are (in order):

3 fault_number 
4 slip amplitude (mm) 
5 strike-slip component (Okada U1; see Fig. 2)
6 dip-slip component (U2)*
7 fault opening component (U3)*
8 East component of slip*
9 North component of slip*
10 Rake angle on sub-segment
11 Sub-segment centroid longitude
12 Sub-segment centroid latitude
13 Sub-segment centroid depth (in km, positive downward)
14 Transient number
15 Node X-index
16 Node Z-index
17 Sub-segment X-index
18 Sub-segment Z-index
19 Date of transient start at patch (Years)
20 Area of patch (km^2)

* Footwall relative to hanging wall
Followed by 4 coordinates of the trapezoid:
Lon1 Lat1 Depth1  X1  W1
Lon4 Lat4 Depth4  X4  W4
> -Z   1       1.6056       0.0016       0.0000       0.0010       0.0004       0.0009  0.0000E+00  235.3400   46.2152  13.04   1  24   6   1   2
    235.32998571     46.13531429     12.85714286    656.46578903     83.39779242
    235.32540000     46.29485714     12.85714286    674.21566098     86.36659501
    235.35040000     46.29521429     13.21428571    674.83307374     88.32741377
    235.35402143     46.13522857     13.21428571    657.03441510     85.29031594
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MODL_ts.stat - time series information
Time series code
E velocity
N velocity
U velocity
E velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
N velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
U velocity 1-sigma uncertainty
EN velocity correlation
Start time of time series
End time of time series
Duration (years)
Number of points
Weighted rms of total time series (mm)
Normalized rms
East weighted rms (mm)
North weighted rms (mm)
Up weighted rms (mm)
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MODL_ts_data.out - time series coefficients

Coefficients of equation for time series:

x(t) = Xo + Vt + A sin ( 2 pii t ) + B cos (2 pii t) +
               + C sin ( 4 pii t ) + D cos (4 pii t)  

Time series code
Number of points
Duration (years)
E offset Xo
N offset Xo
U offset Xo
E slope V
N slope V
U slope V
E annual coefficient A
N annual coefficient A
U annual coefficient A
E annual coefficient B
N annual coefficient B
U annual coefficient B
E semi-annual coefficient C
N semi-annual coefficient C
U semi-annual coefficient C
E semi-annual coefficient D
N semi-annual coefficient D
U semi-annual coefficient D
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MODL_src_EEE.disp - predicted displacements for sources
Data code 
Pole number
East displacement
North displacement
Up displacement
East displacement 1-sigma uncertainty
North displacement 1-sigma uncertainty
Up displacement 1-sigma uncertainty
Y if site operating during transient, N otherwise
Year of transient start
Year of time series start
Year of time series end
Not used
Not used
Not used
Year transient starts at this site (if source migration used)

These displacements are for the entire source, and include future slip if the event extends beyond the time series.

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MODL_src_EEE.poly - polygon estimating slip area for sources
Longitude Latitude X-coordinate W-coordinate
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MODL_src_EEE.nod Node information for transient EEE

1. Fault name (10-char)
2. Fault number
3. Node X index
4. Node Z index
5. Hanging wall block name
6. Foot wall block name
7. Node Longitude
8. Node Latitude
9. Node depth
10. Node transient slip amplitude (mm)
11. Node transient slip 1-sigma uncertainty (mm)
12. Interseismic East* slip rate (mm/yr)
13. Interseismic North* slip rate (mm/yr)
14. Interseismic East slip rate 1-sigma uncertainty (mm/yr)
15. Interseismic North slip rate 1-sigma uncertainty (mm/yr)
16. Interseismic slip rate NE correlation
17. East component* of transient slip at node (mm)
18. North component* of transient slip at node (mm)
19. Azimuth* of transient slip at node
20. Along strike distance X of node (from first node) in km
21. Across strike (horizontal) distance of node from surface node updip from it, in km
22. Downdip distance W of node from surface node updip from it, in km
23. Fault strike at node
24. Fault dip at node
25. Start time of transient at this node (decimal years)
26. Moment associated with this node in N-m

* Footwall relative to hanging wall
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MODL.sources Transient source information

Lists information for all sources.

Source         - Source number
Spat type      - Spatial transient type 
Temp type      - Time dependence type
Tau            - Duration of triangle time element 
YYYYMMDD       - Year/month/day start and end
STF area, mm   - area under time function
Duration, days - Source duration
Mw  /  Mo      - magnitude and moment (N-M)
Av Slip, mm    - average slip 
Area, km^2     - area of slip
Amplitude (deltaV, km^3)  - change in Volume for Mogi source

-- Followed by list of parameter values and uncertainties
   Tau rates also list times of start and end of time function element
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MODL_time_JJJ.nod - displacements at nodes for time window

First line in file is header:

# Time_1   Time_2  List_of_events
Then each line:
1. Node X index
2. Node Z index
3. Node Longitude
4. Node Latitude
5. Node Depth (km)
6. Node transient slip amplitude (mm)
7. East component of transient slip amplitude (mm)
8. North component of transient slip amplitude (mm)
9. Moment in N-m
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MODL_time_JJJ.disp - displacements at sites for time window

First line in file is header:

# Time_1   Time_2  List_of_events
Then each line:
1. Sitename
2. Data code 
3. Block
4. Pole number
5. Longitude
6. Latitude
7. East displacement
8. North displacement
9. Up displacement
10. Site operation code (A - site operating entire window; 
                         N - site NOT operating entire window; 
                         P - site operating part of window) 
11. Start time for site 
12. End time for site
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MODL_time_JJJ.atr - time window slip distributions on fault

Files contain fault attributes and quadrilaterals that can be used to make color plots of slip distributions.

First line in file is header:

# Time_1   Time_2  List_of_events

The header line for each fault segment has multiple attributes following the -Z; use awk to select the one to plot.

awk '{ if ($1 ==">") print $1, $2, $4; else print $1, $2 }' MODL_time_001.atr  | psxy -Cpalette.cpt .... 

where $1 = '>', $2 = '-Z' and the attributes are (in order):

3 time window index (from DW: option) 
4 total slip amplitude (mm) 
5 strike-slip component (Okada U1; see Fig. 2)
6 dip-slip component (U2)
7 fault opening component (U3)
8 Rake angle on sub-segment
9 Sub-segment centroid longitude
10 Sub-segment centroid latitude
11 Sub-segment centroid depth (in km, positive downward)
12 Node X-index
13 Node Z-index
14 Sub-segment X-index
15 Sub-segment Z-index
16 Area of patch (km^2)
Followed by coordinates of the trapezoid:
Lon1 Lat1 Depth1   
Lon4 Lat4 Depth4   
> -Z   1     0.006     0.000     0.006     0.000    90.000   265.502    14.802     -5.10   2   2   1   1
    265.52165000     14.78570000     -5.00000000
    265.47878889     14.81039444     -5.00000000
    265.48159022     14.81915733     -5.20000000
    265.52448000     14.79450400     -5.20000000
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