TDEFNODE User's Manual
GMT descriptions

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    Plotting csh script td_plot

    The script td_plot reads from the command line for input.
    Set the variable TD_HOME to the directory containing these files and put it in your PATH. td_plot copies all your plot command lines (with time stamp) to a file called .td_plot_history in the working directory.

    td_plot -p map - plots maps

    td_plot -p insar - plots InSAR maps

    td_plot -p ts1 - plots time series on 1 page

    td_plot -p ts - plots multiple time series per page

    td_plot -p xsec - plots fault cross-sections

    td_plot -p stf - plot source time function displacement or velocity history

    td_plot -p prof - plot profile

    Command line arguments are as follows. Items in brackets [ ] are required input.

       -bird            			plot Bird (2002) plate outlines
       -blk3                                plot .blk3 file on map
       -blocks            			plot block outlines
       -bname             			plot names of blocks
       -calcv             			plot calculated velocities
       -demets            			plot DeMets NUVEL-1 plate outlines
       -detrend           			detrend time series
       -d                                   plot STF displacement (default is velocity)
       -dl     [ incr ]   			gridline increment in degrees
       -dt     [ dt ]     			time-axis increment
       -dx     [ dx ]     			x-axis increment
       -dy     [ dy ]     			y-axis increment
       -dz     [ dz ]     			z-axis increment
       -ehb    [ size ]	        	plot EHB earthquakes (symbol size)
       -elasv  [ fnum ]           		plot elastic vectors for fault fnum or 'all'
       -eps                                 remove .eps file
       -es     [ scale ]  			error ellipse scale
       -file   [filename color ]            plot misc GMT format file(s) on map, specify color
       -flock  [ num ]    			fault number or 'all' for locking
       -fsegs                               plot fault segments on map
       -fslip                               fault slip vectors
       -gcmt             			plot GCMT mechanisms
       -gcode  [ CODE ]   			GPS or InSAR file 4-letter code for time series
       -grdgrad                             use gradient for SRTM
       -icode  [ CODE ]   			InSAR 4-letter code
       -insar        			plot InSAR  
       -isize  [ size ]                     InSAR dot size in inches
       -lscale [ Lon Lat Size ]  		Length_scale Lon Lat Size(kms)
       -mag    [ mag1 mag2 ]		magnitude range
       -m      [ CODE ]   			model 4-letter code
       -netv              			plot reference frame vectors on map
       -node   [ num ]    			plot nodes; all, fault number or 0 for surface nodes
       -nppg   [ num ]                      number of time series per page (td_plot_time_series)
       -ns     [ size ]   			fontsize of GPS site names
       -numb                                write block pole and strain indices on map
       -numf                                number faults on map
       -obsv              			plot observed velocities 
       -o      [ filename ] 		output file name prefix
       -omev              			plot observed minus elastic vectors 
       -omrv              			plot observed minus rotation vectors 
       -pal    [ palette ]               	color palette
       -pdf                                 remove .pdf file
       -pfile  [ filename color ]		plot polygon file
       -phi               			plot PHI on map
       -ph     [ num ]               	page height in inches
       -pnum   [ num ]                      profile number to plot
       -poles                               plot poles on map
       -p      [ plot_type ]                plotting routine to run (see above)
       -proline                             plot profile lines on map
       -pw     [ num ]     			page width in inches
       -qfault            			plot USGS Quaternary faults 
       -qkfile [ filename ]			plot earthquakes
       -resv              			plot residual velocities
       -rivers                              plot rivers on map
       -rotv              			plot rotational velocities
       -season            			remove seasonal signal from time series
       -site   [ CODE ]   			site code
       -slab   [ num interval ]   		Fault contours, fault number and contour interval
       -slip   [ min max ]   		Min and Max_slip for scale bars
       -srtm   [ filename ]                 put SRTM topography on map
       -strain [ scale lon lat size ] 	plot strain rates  
       -strv              			plot permanent strain velocities 
       -sv              			plot earthquake slip vectors 
       -trans  [ num ]    			transient number
       -transv      			plot transient displacement vectors
       -t      [ T1 T2 ]			Min and max for time-axis plot
       -var                                 write vertical axis rotation rate on map
       -votw   [ size ]                     Plot volcanoes (VOTW)
       -vphi              			plot VPHI on map
       -vscale [ scale lon lat size ]  	Vector scale Lon Lat Size
       -wesn   [ W E S N ] 			West East South North degrees
       -x      [ Xmin Xmax ]		Min and max for x-axis plot
       -xyfile [ filename color size ]	plot points file
       -y      [ Ymin Ymax ]		Min and max for y-axis plot
       -z      [ Zmin Zmax ]		Min and max depths for z-axis plot, EHB or GCMT
    # get list of options
    # Plot residual velocities on map
    td_plot -p map -m srp1 -wesn -122 -109 39 48 -resv -blocks -bname -o srp1_res -pw 7 -dx 2 -dy 2 -vscale .25 -110 40.5 5 
    # plot transient slip distribution
    td_plot -p map -m ni32 -wesn 175 179 -42 -37 -o e8 -dx 1 -dy 1 -trans 8 -slip 0 200 -pw 5 -vscale 0.2 178.5 -41.8 10 -ns 6 -blocks -transv -es 0
    # plot locking map for fault 1 with calculated vectors
    td_plot -p map -m ni32 -wesn 173 180 -43 -37 -o f1 -dx 1 -dy 1 -flock 1 -slip 0 60  -pw 5 -vphi -vscale 0.1 178.5 -41.8 10 -ns 6 -bird -calcv -es 0
    # profile line of GPS
    td_plot -p prof -x 25 150 -dx 50  -y -3 1 -dy 1 -m mnt2 -o mnt2_prof -pnum 1 -pw 5 -ph 2 -calcv -rotv -obsv
    # profile line of InSAR
    td_plot -p prof -m sis1 -gcode L021 -pnum 1 -x -0.5 4.0 -dx 1 -y -25 10 -dy 5 -o level_line_1' -pw 5 -insar  
    # STF velocity for transient 1, include bars showing InSAR times
    td_plot -p stf -m sis1    -tnum 1 -t 1992 2015 -dt 5 -y -5 40 -dy  5 -o stfv -pw 5 -insar
    # STF displacement for transient 1
    td_plot -p stf -m sis1 -d -tnum 1 -t 1992 2015 -dt 5 -y -5 80 -dy 20 -o stfd -pw 5 

    Using GREP and AWK

    Use grep and awk to extract desired columns from the files. For example, to get the profile distance and the observed East GPS velocity and sigma from the profile file:

    % grep '^G' MODL_p01.out | awk '{ print $4, $5, $6 }' | psxy ...
    grep '^G' gets all the lines starting with 'G' from the file, the 'awk' command prints the 4th, 5th, and 6th entries from each line.

    Vector files. Old defnode output many vector files, these have been combined into one, called MODL.vsum. To make vector plottable files in psvelo -Se format:

    # observed vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $12, $17, $15, $20, $27, $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.obs 
    # calculated vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $13, $18, $15, $20, $27, $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.vec 
    # residual vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $14, $19, $15, $20, $27, $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.res
    # block rotational vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.rot
    # velocity field rotation vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $43, $44, $45, $46, $47, $1 }' MODL.vsum >
    # fault locking elastic strain rate vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $28, $29, $31, $32, " 0.000 ", $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.slp
    # permanent strain rate vectors
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $34, $35, $36, $37, " 0.000 ", $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.str
    # observed vectors with block rotations removed
    awk '{ if ($5==1 && $6==1) print $8, $9, $12-$38, $17-$39, sqrt($15*$15+$40*$40), sqrt($20*$20+$41*$41), $42, $1 }' MODL.vsum > MODL.omr

    Similar commands can be used for the displacements (MODL.dsum) and time series displacements (MODL.tsum) but check the columns for those files.

    Some files contain fault attributes and quadrilaterals that can be used to make color plots of slip distributions. The header line for each fault segment has multiple attributes following the -Z, use awk to select the one to plot. For example,

    awk '{ if ($1 ==">") print $1,$2,$4; else print $1,$2 }' MODL_flt_001_atr.gmt  | psxy -Cpalette.cpt .... 

    where $1 = '>', $2 = '-Z' and $4 is the attribute to be plotted.

    The MODL_blk.gmt file contains the block outlines, with multiple attributes on the header line; the attributes are (in order): (3)block_number, (4)pole_number, (5)block_name

    # filled blocks, fill color based on pole number

    awk '{ if ($1 ==">") print $1,$2,$4; else print $1,$2 }' MODL_blk.gmt | psxy -Cpalette.cpt -L -M ... 

    # unfilled block outlines

    psxy MODL_blk.gmt -W5/100/100/100  -L -M ... 

    # dashed lines for profiles, for profile #19 in this case,

    grep '^C' MODL_p19.out | awk ' { print $2, $3 } ' | psxy -W4/0/200/200t5_5:5 ... 

    # dots at all node positions

    awk '{print $7, $8}' MODL.nod |psxy -Sc.1i .... 

    # dots at surface node positions

    awk '{if ($4==1) print $7, $8}' MODL.nod |psxy -Sc.1i  ... 

    #label node with fault number at surface only

    awk '{if ($4==1) print $7, $8, " 7 0 0 CM ", $2}' MODL.nod |pstext .... 

    # label blocks with names ( -W255/255/255 results in whiting out beneath label)

    awk ' { print $2, $3, " 8 0 0 CM ", $1 } ' MODL_blocks.out | pstext -W255/255/255  ... 

    # plot pole positions (dot) and error ellipses

    awk ' { print $4, $5 } ' MODL_blocks.out | psxy -Sc0.1i .... 
    awk ' { print $4, $5, $8, $9*111.2, $10*111.2 } ' MODL_blocks.out | psxy -SE .... 

    # plot fault slip vectors halfway between fault nodes

    awk '{ print $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10 }' MODL_mid.vec | psvelo -Se .... 

    # principle axes for block strain rates

    awk ' { print $2, $3, $21, $19, $23 } ' MODL_blocks.out | psvelo -Sx0.1 ...